Tel: (508) 278-0172 - Fax: (978) 226-1413 - Toll Free: 844-744-RIDE (7433)

Massachusetts residents need a motorcycle permit to become licensed, but do NOT need it before taking a motorcycle training course.


Follow Steps 1 and 2 to get your Massachusetts Motorcycle Permit & License (MA residents ONLY)


Out of state student:


NH: You will receive a Completion Certificate in the mail and a completion card via email. Take both items to your DMV for license processing. (Certificate valid 90 days)


RI: You will receive a Completion Certificate and a list on instructions in the mail and a completion card via email to process. (Certificate valid 90 days)


ME: Check with your local DMV.


You are not licensed until you complete your licensing process through your DVM.


Step 1 - Take the Permit Test

Make an appointment at any RMV and pass the permit test (Permit is not needed before you take a class) 


Bring documentation to prove residency. The fee for the permit is $30.00, the fee for your new license is $3.00 - $15.00


The permit test will be taken at home through your online RMV portal.  The RMV will provide you with information on how to access


the test (The permit test link will appear on your online account after you visit the RMV)


Step 2 - Register For Your Class


Upon successful completion of the course, your permit number will be processed through the Massachusetts RMV.


The RMV will mail you either their motorcycle-only license or a motorcycle endorsement on your existing license. May take up to 21 days.


NOTE: RMV mailing of license is dependent on your obligations being paid. (Certificate of completion valid for 90 days) Payments to the RMV can be made in your online profile.


Please ensure the RMV has your proper mailing address, as they will mail your new license. 


Click Here to Choose Your Experience Level and a Training Location Near You


Out of State Students - Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine


Mass Motorcycle School is recognized by the states of NH & RI & ME as a Certified MSF Training School. 


Upon successfully completing the (BRC) Basic Rider Course we will mail you your Out of State Completion Certificate necessary for 


licensing in your state.


If you are at the RMV and they can not find your course completion information, the following will help:


To see that you have “completed motorcycle training” in ATLAS, the clerk should:


  1. Go to the Customer Spring Board (BLUE)
  2. Click on the “CRM” tab
  3. Click on the “Indicators” subtab



We cannot guarantee licensing in any state, you will have to check with the registry in your home state.  New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine do accept completion of the BRC program in MA for licensing in their state. If you have any questions for states other than Massachusetts, check with your local RMV office, or visit, for a listing of state coordinators (membership) to contact about reciprocity.


Downloadable Manuals


Mass RMV Motorcycle Manual

MSF Class Handbook.